Never have the stakes been higher, whether it’s climate change, soil degradation, or plastic pollution. Triple bottom line companies provide an immediate opportunity for consumers, like you, to be a part of the solution. Seeding Change: The Power of Conscious Commerce will educate how you can help save the world one purchase at a time.
Why Make Seeding Change?
Over the past two decades, a new breed of mission-driven businesses has risen. Led by the next generation of social entrepreneurs, their companies follow a sustainable business philosophy known as the "Triple Bottom Line" where success is measured socially, environmentally, and economically. SAMBAZON, for example, exists to provide a win-win solution that helps protect the Amazon Rainforest, its biodiversity, and its people while simultaneously supporting your health and wellness. We care for the people we work with, the planet we live on, and the prosperity of everyone involved.
“We’re trying to use our business to combat challenges like poverty, malnutrition, inequality, and deforestation…these are our enemies.” – Ryan Black, SAMBAZON CEO & Co-Founder
A vision exists at the core of these triple bottom line businesses to create solutions through their supply chains, branding, and products. Whether they’re fighting poverty through Fair Trade job creation, protecting biodiversity and rainforests, or regenerating topsoil through organic and sustainable agriculture, these businesses offer an opportunity for consumers to cast a vote through their purchase decisions. Consumersare empowered to practice conscious commerce and make a positive change for the planet by voting with their dollars.
In Seeding Change, we dive deeper into how businesses and consumers can make intentional choices that better help our planet and the communities who bring our favorite products to life. Join us on the journey and take the first step in positively impacting the world by watching Seeding Change and learning more about the importance of sustainable business.
Together, we can make a difference.
Learn more from SAMBAZON Co-Founder and Seeding Change Executive Producer, Jeremy Black, in his interview with Net Impact here.
Where Can You Watch Seeding Change?
Seeding Change: The Power of Conscious Commerce is available for purchase on the following streaming services beginning on Earth Day – April 22nd, 2021.
- iTunes
- Apple TV
- Amazon
- Google Play
- Fandango
- Vimeo
Keep reading to the end of the blog post to learn more about our upcoming Seeding Change Initiative and for the official link to order Seeding Change!
Students for Positive Change
We believe the next generation can change the world. That’s why we created The Seeding Change Initiative – to support and inspire our future social entrepreneurs. We give students or student groups support with their triple bottom line projects or businesses and teach them the ins and outs of sustainable business to help bring them to life.
Seeding Change features our 2018 Seeding Change Initiative winners – so, we thought we should highlight them for you below! Check them out:

SOULMUCH, founded by students at San Diego State University, bakes and sells nutritious cookies using untouched and unserved food that would otherwise be thrown out. Their bigger purpose is to develop an educational campaign around food waste to encourage people to act in taking care of our planet.
Carolina Thrift, founded by students at University of North Carolina, is a student initiative putting on a yearly sale of second-hand furniture, clothes and other items that would otherwise be needlessly wasted. They want to create a permanent space on campus for year-long financially feasible, socially responsible, reused consumer options.
Taste the Waste, founded by students at Santa Clara University’s Food Recovery Club, is working on an app for campus that will alert students when free food that would otherwise go to waste is available on campus, notifying students who identify as food insecure in advance.
Sustainable Biogas Food Truck, founded by students at University of Washington’s Global Sustainability Initiative, has built a food truck powered by bio-gas that is created from compost and food waste. They aim to serve students meals cooked with this free, renewable energy while simultaneously teaching the student body about food waste and energy.
Check out our Take Action page on the Seeding Change website to stay up to date on information regarding our upcoming Seeding Change Initiative.
Seeding Change Trailer
Now that you’ve learned a bit more about the purpose behind Seeding Change and our upcoming Seeding Change Initiative…it’s time to watch the trailer!
Are you ready to make a positive impact? Click here to order Seeding Change!
And, don’t forget to follow @SeedingChangeFilm and @SAMBAZON to stay up to date on all information about Seeding Change and Seeding Change Initiative. Thank you for joining us on this journey – we are so happy to have you here!
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